Complete Guide To An Energy Efficient Pool

Complete Guide To An Energy Efficient Pool

Energy Efficient Pool

For most Texas residents, outdoor fun often includes a dip in one’s backyard pool. A backyard poolscape is a place for families and friends to bond and experience pure joy together. As many pros come with owning a pool, some costs come with it as well.

Below we share with you several ways you can effectively manage an energy-efficient pool and put your monies elsewhere, perhaps toward that long-awaited vacation.

Installation of Energy Efficient Pool Heater

Most pools are heated using electricity. This does increase monthly utility bills.

Installing a solar pool heater could be the solution to your high energy bills. A water pump pushes water to the solar panels. Their it circulates through several tubing lines. Within the lines, the water gets heated before it returns to the pool.

The water here is heated by pure free energy; however, there will be an initial upfront cost to purchase and install the solar pool heater.

Solar heating systems are silent and renewable, but several factors will affect their efficiencies, such as sunlight and the distance between the solar panels and the pool.

Installation of Energy Saving Pool LED Lights

Most of us still use the old-school incandescent lighting so this might be to blame for your high energy bills.

The new LED pool lighting will change the face of your swimming pool. LED lights consume a fraction of the energy than their counterpart, the incandescent bulb. Not only do they use less energy, but they also last much longer. LED lights can last up to fifty times longer than incandescent bulbs. Apart from lasting longer and certainly reducing your electricity bills, LED lights come in a wide array of colors. With these lights, you also change the colors to any combination, which allows you to set the mood.

Optimization of Pool Plumbing System

A high-quality and well-planned pool pump and filtration system will increase your pool’s efficiency, which in the end, will save you money.

Choosing the right size pump for the size of your pool is vital. Typically, the larger the pump, the higher the maintenance costs. Ask your pool company professional to assist you in choosing the right pump for your pool’s size.

Timers to control the pump cycles are also crucial to maintain an energy-efficient pool. Pool pumps generally run longer than required hence incurring higher costs.

To maintain the proper chemical levels, homeowners with pools know the importance of maintaining the right levels. But note, a pump does not need to run twenty-four hours. The length of time will depend on several factors such as pool size, pool pump size, and more. To remove debris, do not rely entirely on the pump and filtration system. Use a skimmer and vacuum to remove all debris and scrub the walls to limit, reduce and stop algae growth.

Installation of Automatic Pool Cover

With Texas heat comes the loss of energy in the pool, mainly through evaporation. The rate of evaporation depends on the air and water temperature, humidity, and cold. Installing an automatic pool cover can reduce heat loss by 50%.

Contact the Experts

Are you concerned about the energy efficiency of your pool? Contact IES Texas Pools to discuss your options with an expert.